The Yield Hoe's Notebook

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Canadian Trust, and The Real Big Picture

Last night, Jim "V.I." Cramer set aside some time on his show, Mad Money to pump the Canadian Trusts, which have taken that hair cut as Canadian tax policy changed with respect to double taxation on this business form. He mentioned the emails he has been getting about these babies, which was good, since we have been one of the millions emailing him about this little high yield nook of the capital markets. Morningstar CFA, Josh Peter does a great job at explaining the background on this policy change here.

In the wake of Morningstar gloating, V.I. Cramer stepped up to the squawk box and made the call-- it's okay to catch a falling knife if that knife yields more than 15% backed by clean energy. So, all things being equal, PGH looks better than ever at these levels. He also pumped a few other high yielding Canadian specials, including
PDS, and BTE.

In terms of the overall economy and the question of "deflation", John Crudele laid it out pretty well in the New York Post today. He stated the case against a government accounting trick called "Hedonics," or the art of bean counting growth and meaningful improvement in the economy when technology makes it cheaper to give the consumer more value.

Crudele concludes:

"Today, the government will announce its October Consumer Price Index. It too will be nonsense."

See, here


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