The Yield Hoe's Notebook

Monday, March 05, 2007

Volitility is high, a look at Lower Beta Beauties...

Times like these, with the VIX having taken it up a knotch, it could be a good time to consider low beta, higher yielding securities, with nicely growth rates, which is just the part of the craps table to where we like to stay close.

Step one, go to the screen machine to find these types of stocks; and step too, look deeply into their other factors, including earnings, trading history (Bollenger bands and Moving averages) and events on the horizon, and it seems almost TGTBT, but there you go. It's a list to help you sleep at night with all this bouncing around of prices, and Sub-prime lender blowback.

Here is a hand picked list from a screen to find a list of high yielding, low P/E, Lower Beta Beauities, with sizable growth rates, available on our online spreasheet:




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